So this is life. Medicated. Red wine. Songs that maybe make you feel the way you used to. Cigarettes. Dark songs. The same song. Over and over and over again. Because it's the only way you can express how you feel. Because the sad, dark bass rhythm somehow explains your soul. But only to yourself. Is it time to adjust your meds?? Because the meds take your ability to feel genuinely sad or really, your ability to feel anything genuine at all. Fun. Yup. Sail. The doc said don't mix your meds with alcohol, but really, anyone who has dealt with depression or anxiety knows that that's bullshit. It's the only way you can feel or not feel, be or not be. I can't make the music loud enough or rough enough or dark enough to truly pay parlance to my soul. Sometimes there are just a lot of shitty dark days. You can't do anything about it but the your meds and c.l.o.s.e.y.o.u.r.e.y.e.s.