Thursday, July 4, 2013

Independence Day

Good morning, America., it's Independence Day. The day most look forward to as a mid-summer chance to relax, have a party, watch some fireworks and BBQ. Often just called the 4th, it's important to remember all of those who keep this country free and independent.
  I have never been deployed, and I am eternally thankful for that. Everyday I see images of Service Men and Women saying their goodbyes to their kids, significant others, family members, only to board a plane and land in place where they are unwanted. You don't have to agree with the war or decisions of the President, or anything political. But we all need to support the Troops. It is because of people who are willing to lay down their lives, to say that last goodbye, that we have the freedoms we do today. These Soldiers, Sailors Marines, Airmen don't do it for the paycheck, they don't do it because they are bored, it certainly isn't as glamorous as what you see in movies and video games. They do it because they feel a sense of pride in their Country. Because they feel it is their obligation to the people of this Nation to keep us safe. Because they are brave, putting themselves on line so that their loved ones can remain free.
  This country was founded by people who fled persecution, they came to America and they fought for their freedom.  People with far less training and equipment than what is available today. They fought because they believed in something, they wanted to protect their families, their rights and all they had worked for.
  Scrolling through the news today I saw several stories that make me more than thankful to live in America. Three people beheaded in Syria, the Egyptian Coup, horrible living conditions in North Korea, in Africa, in the Middle East. Places where women must cover themselves from head to toe, places where a difference of opinion could mean public death. Constant bombings, constant war, not knowing if your home will be blown up while you sleep.
  And I sit here, writing this, with the freedom to express myself. The United States may not be what everyone wants it to be right at this moment, but it is still a free country. Big Brother may be reading what I write but I still have the freedom to write it.
  During my Military career I came in contact everyday with Soldiers who had served on multiple deployments. These Men and Women often carry not only physical scars, but emotional scars as well. They have nightmares, flashbacks, anxiety, depression, you name, I've seen it. I've seen Soldiers fight to stay in the Army just because their friends are going on another deployment and they can't bear to not be with them. Each and every Soldier and Service Man and Woman feels total responsibility for the person next them, their Brothers and Sisters in Arms. Because they have built these relationships while fighting for our Country. While they sleep in the dirt, take fire in the middle of the night, watch their friends die, we are safe in our homes with our loved ones.
  The American Spirit runs deep, we value our freedom and our ability to live as we like. It is because of everyone Man and Woman who has fought for this Country that we have those rights. Please remember that today is not just the 4th of July, it is a symbol of our Country, a reminder of all those great people who laid down their lives to ensure that we could be happy.

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