It begins innocently enough. I feel like watching a movie, but I'm picky and because I love movies. I have seen.them.all. So the 'process' begins.
1. Open on demand movie menu and scroll through the new releases.
Seen it, seen it, seen it, that looks stupid, blah, boring...
2. Go to the Genre menu, select horror-sci-fi.
3. Scroll through each one, looks stupid, bad ratings on IMDB (which is open on my cell so I can easily cross reference), ohhh, another sorority sister slasher? Nope. Next.
4. This looks interesting, I'll read the info. Okay, this is a possibility...
5. But...there might be a better movie. So, scroll some more. Ohhhh, alien encounters...ugh, that one is $6, no way.
6. Another possibility. Wait, what was the other one I just saw? Crap. Scroll back up. Why can't I like, put a post-it on the ones I like???
7. Back to scrolling...another bad rip off of Texas Chain Saw, not interested. That one has little kids in it. Nope, creepy. In a bad way.
8. Okay, I think I found the one. But that one looks good, too.
9. Maybe I should watch a thriller instead.
10. No, I want to watch a scary movie. What was the one I read about on Facebook a month ago? Damn. Never mind.
11. Sigh. This one got good reviews on IMDB and it has 7/10 stars. Okay, this is the one. Yup, I'm sure. I just have to remember the other 6 I want to watch next time.
And the next time I watch a movie it will be the same process. As I am performing my search I can feel both my husband and mother rolling their eyes. JUST PICK ONE ALREADY!!
Sitting here and laughing out loud. It's really bad if you go through the list twice and then still can't find a good movie. And...yep...the eyes are rolling