I'm tired of god. I'm tired of hearing about god. I'm tired of people telling me to have a 'blessed day'. I'm tired of being persecuted because I'm an atheist, having to explain why I don't believe in god or have faith. I would never question your beliefs so why are mine so offensive to your delicate Christian sensibilities? Here's the thing, though, I do have faith. I have faith in science and humanity and the basic good of people. I don't need religion to have morals, I certainly don't need a book to tell me how to be a good person. I'm tired of hearing that God only gives us what we can handle. Really?? Cause I've been through some shit that has tested me to the very limits of my being and I'm still here. Without God. Because I know I'm strong and I don't need to be blessed or saved or to find salvation. I have the people in my life, I have myself and in myself I have the drive to go on everyday, to open my eyes, look at what I have and know that I have worked for it. God has nothing to do with it. So please, the next time someone asks you why you believe what you do, tell them to F off because it's none of their business. Be you, be strong and make your life what you want it to be.
*Slow clap*